

We are pleased to provide convenient payment of your invoices via either paypal or credit card. Simply click the "pay now" button at the bottom then follow these simple directions:

  1. In the "item" box, enter your name (or company name) and invoice number.
  2. In the "unit price" box, enter the amount of the invoice.
  3. Hit update totals.
  4. Log in to paypal or hit continue if you don't have a paypal account.
  5. Enter your payment information and hit review order and continue.
  6. Click the "Pay Now" button.

Ready to Tackle Your Taxes?

We can help.  We'll sit down, go through your entire situation, and make sure you're in good hands.

Firm Information

202 S Rome Ave, Ste 160
Tampa, FL 33606


Phone: 813-254-3206

Fax: 813-254-3249

Email: info@zachcpa.com

Our Services


Individual Tax Preparation

New Business Setup


Small Business Tax Preparation



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